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Healthy Christmas Family Traditions to Start

healthy christmasThe holiday season is a time for family, joy, and creating lasting memories. This Christmas, why not use this festive period to establish healthy traditions that promote well-being and bring your loved ones closer?

Start Active Traditions

Incorporating physical activity into your Christmas celebrations can boost energy levels and keep everyone feeling their best. Especially as we tend to increase our eating and decrease our activity levels over the Christmas break, consider starting a family tradition such as:

  • A morning walk before opening presents
  • A friendly mid afternoon game of hockey
  • A mid day tobogganing adventure
  • A group yoga or stretching session
  • A visit to the local skating rink after dinner

Focus on Mental and Emotional Wellness

Holidays can be stressful, so building traditions that support mental health is key. Set aside time for gratitude, mindfulness, or simply sharing positive affirmations around the dinner table. When we take the time to focus on the good, our mental health will benefit!

Taking the time to slow down, and communicate positively with our loved ones is a great opportunity to encourage emotional wellness both for ourselves and for those we are sharing with. The gift of encouragement and healthy communication with our loved ones is a gift that truly keeps on giving.

Try using discussion starters such as:

  • What am I most thankful for?
  • I feel loved by my family when:
  • I am proud of you because:
  • One of my favorite things about you is:
  • What am I most excited for?

The Gift of Health: Chiropractic Referrals

One unique tradition could be giving the gift of chiropractic care. Encourage family members to prioritize their health by referring them to us at Herron Family Chiropractic in Cobourg. A wellness gift is meaningful and long-lasting.

If you would like to connect your loved ones with us at Herron Family Chiropractic, please call us today and tell us how we can help!

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